This mailing list is intended for discussion and announcements concerning Description Logics (DL), a formalism for knowledge representation and reasoning. For general information on Description Logics and this mailing list, please visit the DL homepage at
This list is run in moderated mode, which means that messages are reviewed before being posted to the list. The only mails that are rejected are obvious spam mails and mails that are entirely off-topic.
Mails of the first kind are rejected without notice. The fact that the list is moderated should not discourage anyone from posting DL-related contributions and questions. On the contrary, we explicitly encourage to make more use of the list as a forum for DL-related discussions, and we will try to keep the delay that is due to the moderation as short as possible.
The current list moderator is Lukas Gerlach.
The preferred way to subscribe to or unsubscribe from the list is to use the web interface.
Once you are subscribed, you can post a message to the list by sending a mail to the address
You can find an archive of past messages sent to the mailinglist here.